The Green Springs complex in Tokyo's Tachikawa area is hosting a seasonal illumination event under the theme of Winter Springs Star Forest, and it's set to include a number of beautifully festive areas for passersby to enjoy.
There will be illuminated Acanthus spruce trees brought in from the Tokachi region of Hokkaido, plus an illuminated starry tunnel and starry canopy which are perfect for some fun photo opportunities.
The event runs from the start of December through until February 14th, so you've got plenty of time even after the Christmas and New Year's period to enjoy the lights.
Getting there
Green Springs is located 8 minutes on foot from Tachikawa Station on the JR Chuo Line, or only four minutes on foot from Tachikawakita Station on the Tama Urban Monorail.
For those who opt to drive, on-site parking is available – it's charged at 250 JPY per 30 minutes on weekdays, and 300 JPY per 30 minutes on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
Kim Bergström @kim.b
Almost 12 years living in Asia. Passionate about Japan's off-the-beaten-path spots, family-friendly travel, flower events (all of them!) and the amazing tea culture here. 🍵🌼🌸