Mar 8th
Apr 8th
Exhibition (Photo: Nicole Lee)

Indoor Art Fair @ Ginza 2019

Art exhibition, live show, and... book vending machine!

Nicole Lee   - 5 min read
Venue : Ginza Sony Park When : Mar 8th - Apr 8th 2019, 10:00am - 8:00pm

Independent art is no longer inaccessible, because, it is now literally right next to Ginza station!

Exhibition area
Exhibition area
At the entrance
At the entrance

Tokyo Art Book Fair (TABF) Ginza Edition, unique as the name suggests, is more than just a book fair. It is a month-long art fair. if you have an interest in modern art that's new and different, this event is perfect for you. it is an art event set in the comfort of the indoors at Ginza Sony Park, and it’s free for everyone to join!

Rest area
Rest area

Rest area
Rest area

Art Book Fair

There’s a wide book collection of illustrations, photography, digital media and more by independent artists from Tokyo and all around the world.

Wide and clean space to relax in
Wide and clean space to relax in
A wide collection of art books
A wide collection of art books

Art Book Vending Machine (only available on weekdays)

Art book vending machine
Art book vending machine
Art book vending machine
Art book vending machine

Yes, in Japan, the country of vending machines, is it really so surprising you could find a vending machine for art books?
By only paying ¥500, or donating an art book, then selecting a keyword, you can get an art book in return from the vending machine. It is a quite a good deal, isn’t it?

Four exhibitions will be held during TABF, featuring different artists from different fields: film directors, photographers, designers.

Artist exhibition
Artist exhibition

More of the displays
More of the displays

This event is a fun opportunity for everyone to explore the indie art scene in the proximity of Ginza station...a great way to spend a leisurely weekend!

NOTE: Mar 8 – Apr 7, 2019 from 10:00 – 20:00
*Mar 8 will be from 17:00 – 21:00.

Getting there

Ginza Station B9 Exit, Ginza Sony Park

More info

Find out more about Ginza Sony Park.

Nicole Lee

Nicole Lee @tinlong.lee