Area Ube City Tom Roseveare Ube City, located in Yamaguchi Prefecture, is an off-the-beaten-path destination filled with unique attractions. Ube’s intern...
Culture Tokiwa Park and UBE Biennale Tiffany Aguilar Tokiwa Park is a family friendly park decorated with natural greenery, award-winning sculptures, an animal protection zoo, an...
Culture Ube City’s Timeless Art and Culture Veronica Carnevale Ube City, located in Yamaguchi Prefecture, is an off-the-beaten-path mecca of art and culture in Japan.
Area Yamaguchi City Veronica Carnevale Yamaguchi City is the capital city of Yamaguchi Prefecture, located in the southern part of Japan's Honshu island, and is a m...
Culture Cultural Exploration in Hofu City Veronica Carnevale Hofu City rests along the Seto Inland Sea and is just south of Yamaguchi City. This small city features immaculately preserve...
Culture Lacquer Painting in Yamaguchi City Linda Cordes Visitors to Yamaguchi can experience the traditional art of ouchi-nuri by painting a pair of chopsticks with lacquer.
Culture 11 Things to Do Hagi City Veronica Carnevale Situated in southern Japan’s Yamaguchi Prefecture, Hagi City is a seaside area renowned for its natural beauty, cultural heri...
Culture Nagayama Honke Shuzojo Co., Ltd. Tiffany Aguilar Nagayama Honke Shuzojo Co., Ltd. is a sake brewery founded in 1888 in Ube City.
Culture Akama Inkstone Artisan Workshop Visit Tiffany Aguilar If you’re interested in learning about the process of crafting Akama inkstones and helpful calligraphy techniques from Ube Ci...
Culture Kiwa La Beach and PANARI Tiffany Aguilar Kiwa La Beach in Ube City is known as Japan's "Salt Flats of Uyuni." It is a popular photo spot for its mirror-like water sur...