Brave the cold of February in Okayama for the Saidaiji Eyo Hadaka Matsuri, also known as the Naked Man Festival, and consider...
Étoile café and restaurant is located in a residential neighborhood of Okayama city in the Okayama prefecture. A good dining ...
Okayama City Gourmet Bar Hop offers food and drinks that even the locals may not be aware of. Get ready to tantalise your tas...
Okayama City micro-brewer Doppo Beer makes a great selection of beer for all seasons. Muscat, peach, dark and white chocolat...
Step inside a hotel that will take you back to the roots of Japanese society. Visit Hollywood Sauna & Spa in Okayama.
The Setouchi region of Japan is home to some of Japan's top luxurious resorts. The seaside and islands are so conveniently al...
The Okayama International Hotel is a large luxury hotel on the top of the hill in the Higashiyama area.
On yet another tiring temple visit with his mom, Satoshi has a curious interaction with a taxi driver and later, experiences ...
Plenty of visitors to Japan head directly straight from Osaka to Hiroshima, but there's a lot to see and do in between! Here'...
Discover the history of the Okayama Prefecture through one of the emblems of the city and a variety of enjoyable experiences.