A Hokkaido Adventure: From Obihiro to Kushiro
Serena OgawaEnjoy Hokkaido with this 3-day itinerary taking you from Obikiro to Kushiro.
Enjoy Hokkaido with this 3-day itinerary taking you from Obikiro to Kushiro.
Lake Akan: A freshwater lake sitting in the center of East Hokkaido
The “Red Crowns”, the “God of the Marsh”, or simply, the Japanese Crane. Visit the Kushiro Marshlands this spring or winter t...
A visit to Marine-Our-Oasis (Fisherman's Wharf) in Kushiro, Hokkaido on a foggy day
The Great Outdoors can be found in Eastern Hokkaido. Largest Marsh land in Japan home to the Red Crowned Crane, many unique ...
Cape Kirakotan is located in the Shitsugen National Park in Kushiro and provides beautiful views of the surrounding wetland