Tokyo is not shy with its family friendly fun. And family friendly is free with the Tokyo Water Science Museum. Located in Koto City in Tokyo, the museum is just one of those fun - and for parents entirely helpful - places to bring the kids.
The museum is filled with exhibits and activities that everyone, especially the younger ones, can really get into. The Wakuwaku Mountain and the Ukiuki Pool greet you as you enter and with their water spray guns, underwater observation posts and waterfalls, are the first point of fun for the kids.
The Water Science Museum is designed for education through fun so you'll find a lot of interactive learning opportunities broken up into themed zones. For example, the Aqua Lab offers a number of water-based experiments while the Aqua Trip zone highlights the way in which water makes its way from the natural world to urban homes. The Aqua Forest looks at water in the natural world and Aqua Town focuses on water in urban daily life.
All of this can sound grey and technical but in actual practice is quite fun. The design of the zones are colourful, exciting and interactive. Experiments, multi-walled theatre showings, interactive displays, and more all feature while the museum ends with a tour of the local Ariake water facility.
Koto City is blessed with its waterfront views and green spaces. The Tokyo Water Science Museum is simply one of those perfect places for families and is an easily enjoyed attraction for an hour or two. Educational-wise there is a lot to be learnt. In terms of fun, there is a lot to be had. And above all, the museum is free.
Now what family on holidays wouldn't enjoy that?