Culture Tsubaki Satoyama Festival 2026 Kim Bergström The Tsubaki Satoyama Festival is a celebration of Shinkamigoto's rich camellia culture, and the event includes a variety of a...
Culture Japan Heritage Journey on Hashima Emi Takahata Delve into Hashima Island's UNESCO history, a coal mining town closed in 1974. Explore its past, witness natural changes, and...
Culture Japan Heritage Journey in Tsushima Emi Takahata Tsushima, a Nagasaki Heritage site between Kyushu and Korea, blends culture and nature. From shrines to unique cuisine, it ca...
Culture Kameyama Shachu Memorial Museum Guillaume Doré The museum focus on Sakamoto Ryoma, who is the founder of the company and a key character in the bakumatsu period.
Culture 5 Destinations for History Buffs in Nagasaki Kim Bergström There are many great destinations across Japan for history buffs, but Nagasaki has a large number of historical spots in a co...
Culture Nagasaki Tall Ships Festival 2025 Kim Bergström The Nagasaki Tall Ships Festival has been an annual event since 2000, and highlights the port city's connection with internat...
Culture Sea Wind Country - Sasebo Arlene Bastion Sasebo is an unexpected find of dreamy mountain and sea landscapes, complemented by authentic old fashioned Japanese shopping...
7 Culture Dejima, Nagasaki Lily Dejima is an historical trading post that connected Japan with the outside world during the country's Sakoku Period of enforc...
8 Culture Glover Garden, Nagasaki Lily Clover Garden in Nagasaki City, is home to the former Clover Residence. Considered to be Japan's oldest example of western ar...
Culture Minami-Shimabara, Nagasaki Miyako In Minami-Shimabara, Nagasaki, there are the remains of Hara Castle, which was designated a World Heritage site for Hidden Ch...