Beauty & Spa Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Sendai Elena Lisina Oedo Onsen Monogatari is a natural hot spring bath complex within Sendai City. It's a good place for relaxing at a very affor...
Beauty & Spa Using the Akiu Day Trip Hot Springs Justin Velgus The hot spring resort Akiu outside Sendai has a number of day trip plan options. Access and how to tips here.
Beauty & Spa Taki no Yu Hot Spring in Naruko Justin Velgus Taki no Yu (滝の湯) is Naruko's most famous hot spring with over 1000 years of history. It can be easily accessed via a thre...
Beauty & Spa The Onsen at Hotel Kanyo Andrew Kehoe Hotel Kanyo's onsen is the perfect place to enjoy a sunset or a rain storm in the quiet serenity of a natural hot spring. It ...
Beauty & Spa Naruko Gorge Andrew Checkley This small town and popular onsen resort bustles with seasonal tourists chasing the changing Autumn leaves.
Beauty & Spa Yumeguri Kairo Hand Bath Justin Velgus Yumeguri Kairo Hand Bath is a hot spring mineral water bath for your hands. The hot pool of water rests inside a long buildin...