This waterfall is huge and there are only few visitors there (Photo: Tomoaki Sato)

Tamasudare Fall

On the way to Yamagata's highest waterfall

Tomoaki Sato   - 1 min read

At 63 meters, Tamasudare Fall is the highest waterfall in Yamagata Prefecture. It is located near Sakata City and to the south of Mt. Chokai, the second tallest mountain in the Tohoku Region. About 1,200 years ago, the waterfall was named by Kobo Daishi who was a monk and the founder of Shingon, a branch of esoteric Buddhism in Japan. Tamasudare means "beaded hanging screen" and it is said that the fall hides a statue of Buddha behind its veil of water. The fall is also said to be a "power spot" because of the special atmosphere around it. During Golden Week in early May and during Obon season in mid August the fall is illuminated after dark (until 10pm).

Tomoaki Sato

Tomoaki Sato @tomoaki.sato

こんにちは!I was born in Mamurogawa town 真室川町,Yamagata prefecture 山形県.And I had lived here till graduation of high school.When I was junior college student,I worked as Jinrikisha 人力車 driver in Hida Takayama 飛騨高山,Gifu prefecture 岐阜県.Jinrikisha is Rickshaw. Hida Takayama is ...