Miyoshi City in Tokushima Prefecture on Japan's Shikoku island holds an annual yokai ghost festival in November. Local reside...
Iya Bijin offers set meals - many featuring the area's hand-cut soba noodles - and overnight accommodation right next to one ...
Shikoku's Hotel Kazurabashi, in Tokushima's Iya Valley, is an excellent way to experience the best of Japan - with amazing ho...
Stay at eco guesthouse, Ku-Nel-Asob, and explore the remote Iya Valley on Shikoku.
The Heiki Yashiki Museum of Folklore, housed in a traditional Japanese home, exhibits historical artifacts of the Heiki clan ...
Spend a night in a traditional Japanese house in the mountains.
A traditional vine-rope bridge located in Tokushima Prefecture's Iya Valley region. A beautiful work of engineering in a gorg...