Looking back at the Main Gate (Photo: C. Rio)


Temple #9 of the Ohenro 88 temple pilgrimage

C. Rio   - 1 min read

Temple nine in the Shikoku Ohenro pilgrimage is also known as Dharma Wheel Temple. The Main Hall (honzon) is home to the only surviving example of a reclining Buddha (Nehanzō) on the Shikoku pilgrimage. As with many temples along the pilgrimage, over the years it has fallen victim to several fires. Fortunately the statue has survived. This temple is a popular place to wish for the curing of illnesses of the feet and the waist, so you will often see sandals and crutches left behind by worshipers. To get there, catch a Tokushima station bound bus from Kamojima station and get off at the Nijonaka bus stop. From there it is a 20 minute walk.

C. Rio

C. Rio @matthew.shewchuk

Based out of Minakami, where I work as a canyoning guide.  I love hiking and am always looking to the skies for good weather.