Main Gate (Photo: C. Rio)


Temple #2 of the Ohenro 88 temple pilgrimage

C. Rio   - 1 min read

Located about 1.3 km to the east of Ryozenji (temple #1), this is the second of the 88 temple Ohenro pilgrimage. Founded by Gyoki Bosatsu, the main deity that is worshiped here is Amida Nyorai, the deity of light. The main hall features a statue carved by Kobo Daishi. Legend has it that the light from this statue was so strong that it reached the nearby ocean and blinded the local fisherman. As a result it prevented the catching of fish. After much public outcry the temple had to build a small hill in front of the image.  On the grounds there is a large cedar tree that is said to give longer life and people also come here to pray for an easy childbirth.

C. Rio

C. Rio @matthew.shewchuk

Based out of Minakami, where I work as a canyoning guide.  I love hiking and am always looking to the skies for good weather.