A few statues stand unwavering in front of the waterfall. The one with the fiery, orange backdrop is called Fudō Myō-ō. His name translates into "Immovable Wisdom King" and the sword he holds is the slayer of ignorance. There are several statues of this deity at this particular site. Can you find them? (Photo: Bradford Pomeroy)

Kiyomizu Waterfall

Time travel in tranquility

Bradford Pomeroy   - 1 min read

Kiyomizu-no-taki is a waterfall in Ogi City of Saga Prefecture. Next to the waterfall is Kenryu-ji, a Buddhist temple built in 1627. The whole area is infused with incredible statues of Buddhist deities, shrines, and an immensely beautiful backdrop of lush vegetation. Once you reach the base of the waterfall, you’ll find a gazebo where you can relax or have a picnic. This is an idyllic setting to take time away from your busy schedule and unwind for a few hours.

Bradford Pomeroy

Bradford Pomeroy @bradford.pomeroy

NW Kyushu