Area Yufu Serena Kim Nestled in the heart of Oita Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Yufu is a city known for its beautiful natural scenery and e...
Culture Ogiyama Fire Festival 2025 Kim Bergström The Ogiyama Fire Festival started in 1976 and is held in early April each year as part of the Beppu Onsen Festival. The event...
Culture New Year's Sunrise at Beppu Ropeway 2026 Kim Bergström In Japan, the first sunrise of the year, known as hatsuhinode, holds profound cultural and spiritual significance. The cheris...
Culture Penny Candy Store Museum Bonson Lam Take a friend from the baby boomer generation and reminisce at this labour of love.
Culture Nippo Coast Rock Oyster Festival 2025 Kim Bergström Now in its 6th year, the Nippo Coast Rock Oyster Festival celebrates this revered local delicacy, with several different rest...
Culture Oita Fragrance Museum Kim Bergström The Oita Fragrance Museum allows visitors to connect with their sense of smell in some unique ways. A wide range of fragrance...
14 Culture Spring Charms of Usa Bonson Lam It is said that pink is the colour of romance, so why not have a flutter from the scrolls from the love shrine, a 1950's cont...
Culture A Happy Stay In Hita Arlene Bastion A stay in Hita is a happy stay. Mountain and river scenery provide idyllic walks, while specially maintained parts of the tow...
11 Culture Bungo Takada Showa Street Bonson Lam There is a certain pleasure in going back to a simpler time.
Culture Oita Godo Tanabata 2025 Nguyễn Hà Nguyên The great fireworks display is a part of Oita Tanabata Festival in summer.