Culture Nobeoka: A Treasure Trove of Delights Tristan Scholze Nobeoka is large enough to have witnessed history and develop outstanding regional cuisine, yet small enough to remain intima...
Culture Inside Nobeoka Arlene Bastion Nobeoka's rivers and shrines together with the well kept Nobeoka Castle ruins and Bell make being inside Nobeoka as lively a...
Culture Hinokage Chestnut Festival 2025 Kim Bergström If you'd like to satiate your chestnut cravings, a two-day event at the Four Seasons Fureai Mall in Miyazaki will be serving ...
Culture Traditional Japan with a Tropical Touch Kuv Ahmad Set in the midst of Aoshima Island, Aoshima Shrine is a wonderful setting for those who want to experience traditional Japane...
10 Culture Amano Iwato and Amano Yasukawa Ekaterina Bespyatova Amano Iwato Shrine in Takachiho is associated with the famous Japanese legend of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu hiding in a cave. ...
11 Culture Takachiho Yokagura Ekaterina Bespyatova These traditional Kagura dances based on Japanese mythology are performed daily at Takachiho Shrine. The performance lasts 1 ...
Culture Obi Town - the 'Kyoto of Kyushu' Iain Stanley Obi Town, in Nichinan city, Miyazaki, is often labeled as the ‘Kyoto of Kyushu’ – it is very popular with tourists and domest...
Culture Discovering Obi Castle in Miyazaki Tom Roseveare The Obi Castle Ruins sit at the northern edge of the quaint, rural town of Obi in Nichinan, Miyazaki.
Culture Explore Miyazaki City Tom Roseveare Miyazaki has so much going for it from the get-go you might find it hard to leave. Miyazaki is famous for its palm trees, pal...
Culture A Week in Miyazaki Tom Roseveare Miyazaki promises a wealth of cultural, geological and culinary discoveries for those keen to explore one of Japan's warmest,...