Area Inuyama Ahammad Reyad Inuyama is a city in central Japan, known for the 16th-century Inuyama Castle. Nearby Urakuen is a peaceful garden with the c...
Culture Inuyama Spring Festival Ian VanDuzer Held on the first weekend of April every year, the Inuyama Spring Festival is similar to the famous Takayama Festival later i...
Culture Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle is the oldest of twelve originally preserved castles in Japan (ie castles that have survived intact natural di...
Culture Ukai at Inuyama Chris Glenn For over 1300 years, the traditional art of cormorant fishing has been practiced on the river below Inuyama Castle.
9 Culture Little World Inuyama Ann Yamagishi The presentation of several countries different cultures in this open air museum alongside the lush greenery lets you experie...
Culture National Treasure: Inuyama Castle Chris Glenn Japan's oldest remaining castle, National Treasure Inuyama Castle.
Culture Cherry Blossoms at Inuyama Castle Narisa Chaiyasoot A small, beautiful and famous castle in Inuyama
5 Culture Mandala Temple Wisteria Festival Dwinda Nafisah One of the best locations to enjoy wisteria in Central Japan.
Culture Little World Museum of Man Chris Glenn Little World, a world village theme park just outside the ancient castle town of Inuyama, feat. architecture and culture from...
Culture The Underrated Meiji-Mura Richard Mulvihill Over 60 buildings from the Meiji Restoration have been collected from around Japan and are now displayed in a beautifully sec...