Activities Camp Zama Sakura Festival 2025 Kim Bergström Located approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, Camp Zama is a United States army base in the cities of Zama and Saga...
Activities Fuchinobe Park, Kanagawa Lester Goh The sprawling premises of Fuchinobe Park is home to not one but 2 full-sized baseball diamonds, 10 tennis courts, a giant ind...
Activities Sparkly and Magical: The Sailor Moon -Eternal- Illumination 2021-2022 Caleb Cello November 2021, at Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest in Kanagawa Prefecture, the annual Sagamiko Illumination was finally unveil...
Activities Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest is located in the beautiful landscape of Sagamihara, Kanagawa, just an hour away from the hea...